[HPFGU-OTChatter] Thank You/Stouffer on Canada AM

Roy Mallett Jr wr7238 at worldnet.att.net
Thu Mar 22 17:44:44 UTC 2001

I am very interested to know and will keep checking the emails! My son James
read book one in 4th grade last year and I was told that in 1998 the 4th
graders were reading book one! It just seems so strange that this person is
starting such a raucous over her work, that I never heard about, that has
been around for years!

-----Original Message-----
From: Sheryll Townsend [mailto:s_ings at yahoo.com]
Sent: Thursday, March 22, 2001 8:11 AM
To: HPFGU-OTChatter at yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [HPFGU-OTChatter] Thank You/Stouffer on Canada AM

--- Roy Mallett Jr <wr7238 at worldnet.att.net> wrote:
> First of all,THANK YOU,for accepting and Iam sorry
> about an email I sent
> about that woman on the other site. I'm still
> learning how to use the
> computer and internet. But I want to say thank you
> to Jamieson,Heidi,and
> BBennett for filling me in on what has been
> happening to one of this
> family's authors! My boys are 12 and 13 and love
> JKR's books! We and myself
> personally have never heard of this person or her
> books! I have just turned
> 48,how time flies, and never saw or heard about
> anything of hers! I belong
> to 5 book clubs for a very long time and nowhere has
> anything showed up on
> any club selections at anytime. So, I am really
> shocked about this news.
> Please keep us inform. Thank you,from,WitchWanda2002
Stouffer was just on Canada AM (Jamieson, did you see
that or were you in bed?). She didn't have much new to
say, just went on about the similarities in the books.
They showed a pic of her character next to a pic of
Harry while she pointed out how much they looked the
same. Even said the mouth was identical.

She said that it had been her intention to re-publish
her books when HP came out and that made it hard for
her to find a publisher, especially in view of the
lawsuits. She also said that it was never her
intention to file a lawsuit and that she only did so
because Time-Warner, JKR and Scholastic did so first.
Another thing she stated was that the HP books only
became known in the US in 1999 - can any of the
Americans here let me know how much truth there is to
that statement. She claimed that in 1999, when HP
became popular, all kinds of people who read her books
started calling her and telling her how JKR 'stole'
her work.

I'll give the tape (yeah, I taped it, I was busy
getting ready for a conference today and wanted to
make sure I didn't miss it) another look later and let
you all know if I missed anything.

Sheryll, keeping you informed

"Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for thou art crunchy and taste
good with ketchup."

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