FW: Anagrams of 'Harry James Potter'

Sister Mary Lunatic klaatu at primenet.com
Fri Mar 30 23:57:10 UTC 2001

If you want to get serious about anagrams..... nyuk nyuk nyuk

-----Original Message-----
From: Anagram Genius Server [mailto:server at AnagramGenius.com]
Sent: Friday, March 30, 2001 4:25 PM
To: klaatu at primenet.com
Subject: Anagrams of 'Harry James Potter'

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Here is the result of your request. To learn about the Anagram Genius
software, visit http://www.genius2000.com/ag.html

Rearranging the letters of 'Harry James Potter' gives:

Sphere ratty major.                     Major types rather.
Major hears pretty.                     Sphere tarty major.
Ratty major herpes.                     Pretty share major.
Hyper major treats.                     Threats prey major.
Major as her pretty.                    Prey the major star.
Temporary, rash jet.                    Pretty major shear.
Tarty major herpes.                     Rats! prey the major.
Her arty major pest.                    Pretty hoarser jam.
Hers a pretty major.                    He's per ratty major.
The arts prey major.                    Prey shatter major.
Hearty jam reports.                     The major rapes try.
O My! jeer sharp tart.                  Ha! ratty jeers romp.
Her major tapestry.                     Jam or ratty sphere.
Jeer to my sharp rat.                   Jeers harm to party.
To a merry, sharp jet.                  Try the spare major.
Ha! ratty jeer romps.                   Her major types rat.
Spy there rat major.                    Oh My! jeers rat part.
The temporary jars.                     Jet or pasty harmer.
Her arty major pets.                    Try parse the major.
Rather pro majesty.                     Set rat hyper major.
Oh My! part jeer star.                  Oh My! jeers rat trap.
Throaty jeers ramp.                     Matter joy sharper.
The smarter joy par.                    O My! rat jet sharper.
Jeer posh ratty arm.                    Jeer posh ratty ram.
Myth jeers or apart.                    He's per tarty major.
Try the major spear.                    Hasty jam reporter.
Jeer romp ratty ash.                    Jeer has ratty romp.
Jeer romp hasty rat.                    Oh My! jeer parts rat.
Oh My! jeer traps rat.                  Jar so petty harmer.
Three-part arm joys.                    Three-part ram joys.
Harm arty jet poser.                    Sharp, mere joy tart.
Jet army to sharper.                    Re petty, rash major.
Type her major star.                    Shy major peer tart.
Jam types or rather.                    Ah! ratty jeers romp.
Jeers hat arty romp.                    Prayers harm to jet.
Her arty major step.                    Hey! part rest major.
Jam hears or pretty.                    Her ratty jam poser.
Ha! romp arty jester.                   Jest harm to prayer.
Jar to hearty sperm.                    More arty, sharp jet.
Petty major rasher.                     Spy rat major three.
Pray! the major rest.                   'e's hyper major tart.
Try rat major sheep.                    Try hear major pest.
Jam or ratty herpes.                    Oh! jeer party smart.
Ah! ratty jeer romps.                   Jeer arty hat romps.
Oh My! jeer trap star.                  Jeer rat shorty map.
Ha! tarty jeers romp.                   That jeers romp ray.
Jest or arty hamper.                    Party theorems jar.
Jar try atmosphere.                     Merry jet or as path.
Jet or a hyper smart.                   Major hares pretty.
Hers type rat major.                    Jam or tarty sphere.
Jeer harm pasty rot.                    Jeer smart arty hop.
Jeer hast arty romp.                    Jeer to trashy ramp.
Jest or a merry path.                   Jar to hyper master.
Rat joy harmer pest.                    The jet arrays romp.
Major preheats try.                     Prayers hotter jam.
O My! jeer part trash.                  Jeer hot pray smart.
Ha! tarty jeer romps.                   That jeer romps ray.
Jeers opt arty harm.                    Jeers harm arty top.
Pray! harm to jester.                   Three-part joy arms.
The jet romps array.                    Major they're parts.
Major they're traps.                    Jeer pro ratty sham.
Oh My! Rats! jeer part.                 Oh My! rat jester par.
Jet or a merry paths.                   Rats! type her major.
Jam or pretty share.                    Prey jam or the star.
Rosy, three-part jam.                   My! jeer posh rat rat.
Jeer parrot as myth.                    Jeers rat or my path.
Oh My! par jeers tart.                  Ya! jest rather romp.
Jest or hearty ramp.                    O My! rather jar pest.
Jar rather empty so.                    Ratty, posh, mere jar.
Posh rat a merry jet.                   He rest party major.
Part shy major tree.                    Hey! rest major trap.
Thy rare major pest.                    The jam pays terror.
Jeer to party harms.                    Jeer harm arty post.
Jeer harm arty stop.                    Am trashy jeer port.
Jeers marry to path.                    A jeers parrot myth.
Jester army or path.                    Met rat joy sharper.
Aha! strop merry jet.                   Eh! rest party major.
Eh! tarts prey major.                   Stray per the major.
The pasty jam error.                    Jeer or my paths rat.
Jeer posh ratty mar.                    Jeer shop ratty arm.
Jeer shop ratty ram.                    Oh My! Rats! jeer trap.
Jest array the romp.                    Arty romps hear jet.
Jet hears arty romp.                    Ya! jet romps rather.
The party, sorer jam.                   Hey! jam reports rat.
Jeer to paths marry.                    Jeer path or my star.
Jeer posh tarty arm.                    Jeer posh tarty ram.
Jeer romp trashy at.                    Jeer smart atrophy.
That army jeers pro.                    Oh! ratty jeers ramp.
Jeers harm arty pot.                    Arty jeers ramp hot.
Jest hear arty romp.                    Jar sore petty harm.
Part harm to jersey.                    Three-part mar joys.
Spray jet to harmer.                    The major pyre star.
He prey start major.                    She per ratty major.
Shy major trap tree.                    Ha! retry major pest.
Try tee sharp major.                    Major yet her parts.
Major yet her traps.                    Jam portrays there.
Hearty jam porters.                     O My! jeer trash trap.
Jeer romp tarty ash.                    Jeer has tarty romp.
Myths jeer or apart.                    Am shorty jeer part.
Am shorty jeer trap.                    Army jeers hot part.

The above are what the server considers to be the best 200
anagrams. With your own copy of the Windows/MacOS software you
can find hundreds more anagrams, they will be based on a
lexicon that is almost twice as big and you will have much
more control over the process resulting in far better anagrams!
Download a copy now: http://www.genius2000.com/eorder.html

The following are the 10 longest words made using some of the letters:
atmosphere                              parameters
stepmother                              parameter
semaphore                               separator
temporary                               asymptote
metaphors                               prayer-mat

Anagrams created with the ** Anagram Genius ** software
(available for your Windows or MacOS computer)
Full details from:
Email: genius2000 at genius2000.com

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