[HPFGU-OTChatter] Re: Grammar (was weird fanfic reviews)

Amber reanna20 at yahoo.com
Thu May 10 13:37:13 UTC 2001

--- pbnesbit at msn.com wrote:
> I can forgive grammar errors from people who are not native-English 
> speakers *very* easily.  (It is a difficult language, after all)  But
> people who grew up speaking English, taking it for 12 years (primary 
> and secondary school) should know the basic rules for grammar!  The 
> former English teacher in me finds *that* hard to forgive!  (That's 
> also why there are spellchecks on word processing programs)

I'll stick out my nose and say that I agree with Parker. I don't have
problems when I know English is the person's second (or third!)
language. And I don't have problems with occasional spelling or grammer
errors. I mean, heck, we *all* make mistakes. But I *do* have problems
with consistently bad spelling and grammer. It annoys me that the
person wouldn't have the courtesy to take the time and re-read their
post/message. In my mind, it undermines the credability of the person
(whether or not its merited). And it makes my skin crawl.

For what it counts, I find that people who are using English as their
second language tend to have better spelling, grammer than some people
who have English as their first language! Go figure.

Hm, am I a Spelling Snob? <sigh> Guess so. Well, we all have our


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