[HPFGU-OTChatter] Re: Unsure About Homeschooling

Saitaina saitaina at wizzards.net
Thu Sep 27 05:21:22 UTC 2001

I myself let this thread slid due to time problems but I have to now share my own story of school life.  I went to a small town highschool (well I went there when there was the problem so I'm not mentioning the big town highschool :) ) Anway, there were 50 kids in my class at this time, not a lot compared to most high schools and you would think with such small numbers they would be more able to teach the kids.

Unfortunatly that is not true for my high school and a great deal of high schools.  I was one of the kids that got lost in the shuffle if you will.  I was already behind in my studies due to other issues but they didn't care.  I was expected to keep up with everything despite my 6th grade math level and without help beyond SED math classes.  Now while this doesn't sound bad, it was.  I never got my math caught up to par and couldn't take the science classes I needed to graduate.  The rest of my studies started to suffer and it grew to the point where I just wouldn't attend class not seeing the full purpose of going if I was just going to fail.

Now this was about my sophmore year when the school FINALLY caught on that I wasn't attending nor doing any work.  They gave me two options, 1. I could get my act together and attend class or 2. I could spend my days in the SED room.  Now remember this is a small town, kids KNOW what classes you take.  I myself have already had several social issues with my classmates being over weight and being at a lower social level then they were so being in the 'retarded' classes all day wasn't an option, but neither was going to class just to recive F's because I couldn't get the help I needed.  My mother then decided to take me out of school and homeschool me.  Well what we didn't know is the school get's money for each student, but MORE for each SED student.  Riddle High was not about to let one of their cash cows wonder away from them.

It took one year (yes I failed sophmore year and had to repeat during all this) and a threatening lawyer to get me out of school for homeschooling.  By the time this happened I was 16 and didn't NEED the homeschooling.  I got my GED a week after they let go of me with the highest scores (save math) in my GED graduating class.  Now I could have got my high school diploma if only the school had tried to help me instead of hinder me.  This is why my children will not be attending school further then elm.  I support homeschooling because the kids get the help they need and deserve instead of being lost.

Socialization is a big issue, but it shouldnt' be.  I myself attended both public and private schools and I still can't relate to people my own age.  My own emotional growth was hindered and that caused my social skills to be hindered.  Children are resiliant and if they dont' attend school, big deal, they can make friends with a stump if you let em.  Take homeschoolers to a park, or to a friends house where there are kids.  They'll make friends in no time.

Dating with a homeschooler is also not that real of an issue.  Dating at school is the issue but that's for another time.

Anyway, just my thoughts and sharing story.

There were a surprising number of demons that glowed-in-the-dark. There were also a surprising number of demons named Bob. Xander didn't want to know why. -"Tiny Smiles", by Saber ShadowKitten, Buffy fanfic

"I kill mortals, I don't feed them," Death said with a hint of disgust. -"The Dark Cavalier", by Saber ShadowKitten, Buffy Fanfic

On a hellmouth, most of the time the demons killed the humans, demon hunters killed the demons, and a Collector stood around scratching his ass with his scythe. -"The Dark Cavalier", by Saber ShadowKitten, Buffy fanfiction

"Invisible, naked glowing people's opinions don't count," Xander mumbled, rounding the car to the passenger side. "Especially someone who is probably a figment of my concussed imagination." 
-Xander, "Cricket", by Saber ShadowKitten, Buffy Fanfiction

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