Canadian Accents

Wanda Mallett witchwanda2002 at
Mon Feb 25 00:47:22 UTC 2002


Sheryll has written:

possible one of the
Maritime provinces. My guess would be Newfoundland or
New Brunswick. Newfoundland's version of English is a
separate language, all it's own. New Brunswick has
it's share of interesting expressions

Hey, Sheryll, when I was in New Castle, New Brunswick, many moons ago with my ex, there were quite a few there that did sound a lot like Bob and Doug MacKenzie! Special some of the older folk. But I loved all the skits of those two brothers! Especially their movie Strange Brew and the famous pee scene to put out the brewery fire! My boys got to see that movie a few months ago, and I thought they were going to pee themselves from laughing! 

Just like in the states, everywhere there is an accent of some sorts! I learned from my friend from Columbia, S.A. that there are many accents with the spanish language too! Dialect differences in each country and within each country! Very interesting to know! Well, this is a world of many languages and accents, which keeps things always on the move!

Just adding my few knuts into the conversation! Hope all is well with evrybody!


Wanda the Wich of Revere, Massachuseetss and Her Very Merry Band of Muggles 100% 


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