[HPFGU-OTChatter] Re: Goblet of Fire wins Hugo

Andrew MacIan andrew_macian at yahoo.com
Fri Jan 25 01:36:41 UTC 2002

Greetings from Andrew!

About to go sit on the 'free'way....

--- Julie aka Viola <viola_1895 at yahoo.com> wrote:
> I've got to agree with Andrew on this. GoF is a good
> book, but not, IMO, on the same level with A
> Canticle
> For Leibowitz, Neuromancer, The Doomsday Book and
> The
> Diamond Age (I keep saying I'm going to read Ender's
> Game and A Deepness in the Sky, but never seem to
> get
> around to them. ^_^).

If you're a trufan {grin}, then make time to Card's
work.  Also, _Snowcrash_.

And Turtledove...especially the WWI alternate history.
He's a very impressive author, not least for the ease
with which he shares his research.

> I'm not surprised that it was
> nominated, but I am pretty surprised that it
> actually
> won. ^_^ 

Recall that fandom is impressed with sales, and
Rowling never fails to turn in good numbers.  I would
also point out that in the early days, membership in
that year's Wordcon is fairly cheap...and with a
membership, goes a Hugo vote.



PS I admire your quote from Sydney!  Well chosen!

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