blpurdom at yahoo.com
Tue Jan 29 14:40:26 UTC 2002
--- In HPFGU-OTChatter at y..., "lupinesque" <aiz24 at h...> wrote:
> B wrote:
> > I or E (introverted or extraverted)
> > S or N (Sensors take in information primarily through the 5
> > senses, iNtuitives are internal, idea-driven people)
> > T or F (Thinkers or Feelers - Thinkers use impersonal logic,
> > Feelers use personal/relationship-oriented logic)
> > P or J (Perceivers prefer to gather as much information as
> > possible before making a decision, Judgers tend to be quick
> > decision makers)
> I just want to expand upon I and E the way you did on the others,
> since they are often misunderstood. In Myers-Briggs terminology,
> the introversion/extraversion scale has to do with where one gets
> one's energy. Extraverts may be very thoughtful, reflective
> people, but they are wearied by solitude and turn to other people
> to refuel. Introverts may enjoy social interaction, but they are
> wearied by being among others and when they need to refuel, they
> head for solitude.
You make an excellent point. I think folks were labeling Harry an I
and Hermione an E (while most people appropriately labeled Ron an
E). Based on this approach, however, one has to call Harry an E and
Hermione an I. He definitely feels wearied by solitude (he had to
withstand years of it in his cupboard, didn't he?) and he turns to
others to refuel: Ron, Hagrid, Hermione, etc. When he retreats into
himself sometimes, it seems to be because he thinks others are upset
with him; he'd be with them if he could (like when Ron is mad at him
until after the first task).
Hermione, on the other hand, is happy to spend hours in the library,
even alone. She gathers information. She's a huge S, whereas the
boys are both Ns; Ron's inadvertant correct predictions (the ones
that make people persist in saying he might be a seer) are an
example of this, whereas Harry's sometimes lucky guesses also fall
into this category. (Like when he suddenly remembered that Flamel
was mentioned on Dumbledore's Chocolate Frog card.)
I would guess that Hermione is pretty evenly divided between T and
F, since she's definitely a thinker, but she does get rather
emotional at times. Ron's all F, and Harry, oddly, seems to be more
of a T. (He feels, sure, but he represses a lot of it.) This, I
believe, is one reason he insisted Cedric take the cup with him. He
didn't let his personal need to win take him over; his logic told
him that sharing it was the fair-minded thing to do, since he
couldn't get Cedric to do the next logical thing and take it
completely for himself. (Harry didn't think he deserved it--very
unemotional, logical analysis told him this.)
Hermione's also a clear P, whereas the boys are both Js. (Harry
might seem to have elements of a P, but that's just because he
procrastinates sometimes--like with the second task.) This seems to
give us:
Hermione IST(f)P
Harry ENTJ
This seems to illustrate why Ron and Harry get on slightly better
than Hermione and Ron or Hermione and Harry. The only difference
the boys seem to have is that Ron's a hothead (very emotional) and
Harry's more of a dispassionate thinker. (The thing that
consistently sets him off is people insulting the memory of his
parents. He's not made of stone.) Since Hermione swings back and
forth between T and F but is more often T, she gets along better
with Harry when she's firmly in T mode, and when she's in F mode,
she's in sync with Ron. That's where most of the Ron/Hermione
disagreements seem to come from. Think of the Scabbers incident,
and how cold he thought she was being. She was being a T at that
time, whereas Harry was being an E, not wanting to lose his friend
(Ron) by siding with Hermione (he was, oddly, also being a T here,
by using his logic to tell himself that if he didn't side with Ron
he would lose him). Both boys also consistently suspect Snape of
being up to no good, whereas Hermione's logic tells her that
Dumbledore wouldn't trust him for no reason. She's a clear P,
they're J.
I guess this explains why I usually come up as Hermione on the
character quiz....
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