[HPFGU-OTChatter] Re: Cultural clarifications/Lit crit

Jennifer Boggess Ramon boggles at earthlink.net
Sat Mar 16 05:34:56 UTC 2002

At 3:54 PM +0000 3/15/02, lupinesque wrote:
>Boggles wrote:
>  > I was merely confused that people thought the two styles were
>>  incompatible, as I commonly merged the two in a single project. 
>So, inquiring minds want to know:  does this double your pleasure?

Actually, it's rather like the old joke about being bisexual; it 
merely gives one double the chances to be rejected on a given 
Saturday night . . .  ;)

>(note plentiful pop culture references)

How drolly prole of you!  :)

>Some of it is much more gut-level, but some is
>definitely a matter of thinking hard about the implications of an
>image, just as I would if I were writing about the piece for an art
>history class.

I certainly do this in my own prose writing, but I am perfectly well 
aware that I overintellectualize everything . . .

  - Boggles, aka J. C. B. Ramon			boggles at earthlink.net
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