[HPFGU-OTChatter] Re: Other academy awards

Jennifer Boggess Ramon boggles at earthlink.net
Wed Mar 27 03:52:45 UTC 2002

At 7:21 PM +0000 3/26/02, blpurdom wrote:
>(Whose husband just shakes his head every time I say, "But so-and-so
>was in such-and-such-a-movie with whatsisface."  Can you tell I
>absolutely LOVE the new Kevin Bacon credit card ads wherein HE plays
>Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon?  Because I used to work for someone who
>is friends with Lea Thompson and I sing for a conductor whose
>actress daughter was the bride in Woody Allen's "Crimes and
>Misdemeanors" I can actually connect myself in six or fewer steps to
>scads of celebs!)


I was in a high-school student film with a musician who was in a 
college student film with a theater major who later was in a film 
with the kid who played Josh's best friend in _Big_ (I think his name 
was David Moscow).  Thus, playing fast and loose with the definition 
of "actor" and "movie," I have a Kevin Bacon number of 5.  ;)

  - Boggles, aka J. C. B. Ramon			boggles at earthlink.net
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