[HPFGU-OTChatter] Re: Meet me in St. Looey?

Jennifer Boggess Ramon boggles at earthlink.net
Wed May 1 00:06:41 UTC 2002

At 7:30 PM +0000 4/30/02, judyserenity wrote:
>Well, I had a boyfriend who went to Washington U., and he dumped me. 
>Does that entitle me to insult St. Louis?  No, I guess not.

Small world.  My Imzadi (first sweetheart, for those not Trekkies) 
broke up with me because he was going to Washington U. and I wasn't.

(And I'm probably going to see him again this Saturday, for the first 
time in nine years.  High school reunions are scary . . .)

  - Boggles, aka J. C. B. Ramon			boggles at earthlink.net
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