dradamsapple at
Tue May 7 03:42:50 UTC 2002
--- In HPFGU-OTChatter at y..., Jennifer Boggess Ramon <boggles at e...>
> I'm generally _not_ a Kevin Smith fan, and I loved it anyway. :)
> And yes, Alan Rickman as the Metatron, the Voice of God, was . . .
> amazing. (Who was it who called him "Roast Sex on a Stick" about a
> month ago?)
> >But yes, Anna, if you haven't seen it all the way through, rent
it. You
> >won't be disappointed.
Anna replys . . .
"Roast Sex on a Stick"????? Well, that does make for some
interesting imagery, doesn't it?
So, you've all convinced me that "Dogma" is worth seeing in it's
entirety. I knew I wanted to see it just to clarify the weirdness I
witnessed in the last twenty minutes of the movie (like God!Alanis
standing on her head against a tree??!!), but now you have just re-
affirmed my intention. I'll be in touch when I've been "Dogma"'d.
Thanks so much for all your responses. What a great group!!
Anna . . .
> - Boggles, aka J. C. B. Ramon boggles at e...
> === Personal Growth Geek Code v0.4 ===
> GG++ !T A-- M++s--- g+ B- C- P++++ a- b- h+ her++ E+ N n++ i f+
> c++ S%++++&&># D R++ xc++ xm+ xi+ yd++ ys++(-) rt+ ro+ rp++++ rjk<+
> ow+++ ofn+ oft++ op++ esk-- ey+ ek+++ pl++ pf++ pe++ U!
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