New Q/A thing from HPFGU

animagi_raven niemuthervin at
Fri Sep 20 01:35:42 UTC 2002

This post got turned into a ferret and bounced from HPFGU.  I'll post 
it here in case there is some amusement value in it. 

A sink in a girl's bathroom on second floor drops away and a tunnel 
appears.  A tall man in a black cape emerges covered in, well –

"I have just been performing a sanitation inspection and this place 
just does not pass.  No treatment at all!  The MoM will be hearing 
about this!  What's that? Another survey?  I only look at these if 
they are, well, *random* or odd.  This one is by Fyre Wood.  That 
meets the criteria."

Fyre Wood writes:
so here we go =)

> 1.Do you think we'll ever go inside an Arithmacy class or perhaps 
> other classes we have yet to see?

I don't want to see any of the classes that have been mentioned so 
far, but I would like to see something like `Creation of Magical 
Artifacts.'  Was it in the fifth year that the Marauders made their 
map and Riddle made his diary?  Not sure about the timing but it 
could fit.

I do really like Lilac's answer to this question even if it is 
related to fanfic.

> 2. Do any of the pets in Harry Potter seem like they're not *really*
> pets.

Trevor is probably an animal but there is something about him.  Maybe 
a little `tape recorder' that his uncle downloads each summer to 
check on how things are going for Neville.  (Or spies on Dumbledore, 
hmmm...ever-so-evil great-uncle Algie?)

> 3. Name you favorite new organization with letters (Ie: N.I.N.E=
> Neville is not Evil) and try to come up with your own.

SINNER  Subtle Imperious Nets Nefarious Evil Result was my only try 
at this - unpublished before now.  For an unfelt Imperious Curse on 
Sirius causing him to not want to be the Potter's Secret Keeper.  
Canon seems to indicate that an Imperious is sort of like a club to 
the head so I dropped it.  Oh, well, it's dead unless canon changes.

> 4. Will Draco ever stop being oh so evil?

I hope not.  That would end half of the fun.  Though if he is alive 
at the end of book 7 I could see him in a symmetrical position to 
Snape.  Not good, per se, but on the other side.  It's a start.

> 5. Predictions on the final chapter of book 7?

Boring, mushy stuff, unless JKR can add one last twist at the very 
end.  The second to last chapter will be a great one.  Twists, turns, 
who is selling out who, who to AK.  Like I said – great.

> 6. Ron and Hermione--Will they hook up?

Yes (sigh) I'm not a shipper but I think JKR will put all of the 
couples together that get initially set up.  The individuals drift 
around for a while but end up back together: Ron and Hermione, Harry 
and Ginny, Hagrid and Maxine, Fletcher and Figg, Snape and McGonagall 
and . . . what is with the strange look I am suddenly getting?  
Everyone else caught that, right? <g>

> 7. What's the deal with Wizard money? Does it collect interest? Why
> is it so darn big and heavy? Why not paper money instead of coins?

My guess is that with ink and paper you can counterfeit it.  But IMO, 
you can not *create* gold and silver out of nothing (posts on this 
subject from a month back, for those interested) or transmute it.  OK 
unless you have a rare stone with special properties – I'll get 
turned into a ferret and bounced unless I add that.  As for interest, 
I don't have any (bad, I know but I'm moving on).

> 8. If you could play any Quidditch position, what would it be? Why?
> Which team?

When I was Harry's age I would have been a seeker or chaser (small, 
fast and maneuverable).  Near the end of school I definitely 
outgrew `small' so I now I would be a beater (move around and annoy 
everybody) or a keeper (stay put and annoy the opponents).

In school I would play for Ravenclaw (no surprise, I suppose) and in 
the pros for the Wigtown Wanderers.  Too long to explain that . . .  
I would need some practice, though, any `pick-up' games tonight that 
I could apparate to?

> 9. Name a character who is going to have the most change in his/her
> characterization between books 5-7, and explain what changes might
> happen.

Wow, serious question.  Should I answer?  OK, I'll give a Sirius 
He will get over his `thing' with Snape, be cleared, and have to 
learn how to live on the outside of Azkaban as Harry's foster dad – 
unless he `bites it' of course.  50/50 as to whether he'll be alive 
at the end of book 7.

> 10. What new flavors of Bertie Bott's beans would you like to eat?

Dumbledore already took my two favorites.  I'll go with `motor oil' 
or `swamp gas'.  Maybe butterscotch toffee caramel crème if I was 
staring one right in the face.

> I'll answer this later.. it's more of a random thing. Perhaps 
> will *actually* reply to a post I make without slamming me for 
> Draco Malfoy and saying that Neville is in fact NOT evil. =)

Bouncing ferrets is for other people.  I'm just in this for the 

I want to add one question from the previous survey:
> 3.  Identify the next DADA teacher.

I would like to nominate Fyre Wood as the next DADA professor.  She 
seems to have some experience in the `dark arts' (or just likes them, 
anyway).  She wouldn't treat Neville badly.  She would show a 
preference to Draco, but I could live with that.  Before anyone 
thinks this is silly, consider:
*better   than   Fleur*   (need I say more?)

As long as we are on the subject I know of another woman (well, 
female) that also has some experience in DADA:  Winky.

NNNOOOOOOOOO!  Animagi_Raven runs over to Moaning Myrtle's toilet, 
sticks his head in, and begins trying to flush himself.

P.S.  Happy birthday, Fyre Wood

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