[HPFGU-OTChatter] The Stouffer case

Jennifer Boggess Ramon boggles at earthlink.net
Sat Sep 21 23:39:44 UTC 2002

At 4:15 PM -0400 9/20/02, heiditandy wrote:
>So... Discuss?

Geez.  How many times did her story change over the course of the 
suit?  And, by the descriptions of her "Muggles," it seems like she'd 
have had a better chance at arguing that JKR had stolen the idea of 
the _House-elves_ from her, rather than Harry and the Potterverse 
Muggles . . .

I do kind of wonder what the other employees of Ande and BCI think of 
her now.  (I am also amused at the name of the second company, as 
down here BCI is a garbage-disposal firm.)

  - Boggles, aka J. C. B. Ramon			boggles at earthlink.net
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