[HPFGU-OTChatter] Blackout

Dianna York dyork at peralta.cc.ca.us
Fri Aug 15 17:53:00 UTC 2003

hope everything is ok there and keep safe


  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Sheryll Townsend 
  To: HPFGU-OTChatter at yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Friday, August 15, 2003 10:54 AM
  Subject: Re: [HPFGU-OTChatter] Blackout

  --- Tracy <neonsister at ameritech.net> wrote: > On the
  count of three, everyone yell "Lumos!" and
  > we'll see if the 
  > lights go on again in New York and vicinity.  ;-)
  > To those of you affected by the blackout  (who will
  > obviously be 
  > reading this after the fact), I hope things are back
  > to normal 
  > working order quickly.  
  > Tracy
  > *one....two.....three!*
  Power has just come back on in my section of Ottawa,
  after 18 hours of nothing. About 50% of the city now
  has power but it is considered a rolling blackout and
  none of us are assured of having continous
  electricity. *sigh*

  I was at work yesterday when the power went off and we
  managed to get people safely out of 12 theatres in a
  matter of minutes. 

  I've lost everything in my fridge but had the sense
  not to open the chest freezer in the basement so all
  that food is still fine. Now to try and find a store
  that's got power so I can get milk and have coffee.
  I'm not good company without my morning coffee. Thanks
  goodness only the kitten had to deal with me today. :)

  Sheryll, thinking this is a piece of cake compared to
  having dealt with the ice storm years ago

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