[HPFGU-OTChatter] Holiday times (Was: Christmas at Hogwarts (Was Re: Faith Education))
coyoteschild at peoplepc.com
Tue Dec 2 20:18:51 UTC 2003
>> Iggy here:
>> Well, speaking for myself as a Neo-Pagan, I don't celebrate Christmas
>> from a religious point of view, but instead from a traditional one.
>> I did it completely the Pagan way, I'd be celebrating the Solstice...
>> which I do try to honor separately... usually by doing Ritual. It's
>> dropped off a little down here, because I don't really have a private
>> place outdoors to do it. *sigh*)
>That's too bad -- I just got a lovely mental image of a little garden
>surrounded by high hedges (yew? or holly would be nice -- something
>evergreen) and, well, whatever you need inside it...
Iggy here:
Actually, when we finally manage to buy a place of our own and some
decent land, I plan on setting aside a corner for just that type of
purpose. For one thing, I plan to have us build a fence around our back
yard, and if I put a little area for myself in one of the back corners,
I can do ritual without being disturbed by any neighbors and still be
(I'm thinking of a small area with a table and bench, with a small
fountain and reflecting globe. All of that surrounded by some hedges or
high, flowering bushes or vines. This would be an area both for
meditation and ritual. Personally, I'd love to have a small sock garden
and coi pond, but that would probably be too much to ask from my wife
unless we get a *lot* of land. If I get a good enough job after my
degree, that might work... Let's all cross our fingers for me. *grin*)
Iggy McSnurd
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