I'm done. I can't believe it.This was reallyreallyreally hard

anise_leinen <anise_leinen@yahoo.com> anise_leinen at yahoo.com
Fri Jan 10 06:01:51 UTC 2003

Why is this off topic, even though it's about fanfic? Because this 
post is going to consist entirely of WHINING!! Mwah ha. You have been 

I really cannot believe I did this, and I think I'm certifiable (by 
this point, anyway, or maybe I had to be to think of this in the 
first place) but NOW I'M DONE. I finished a four minute fanfilm of my 
fanfic, Jewel of the Harem. It was like the tasks of Sisyphus and the 
labors of Hercules, with perhaps a bit of the Bataan Death March and 
the experience of being forced to sit through a Jean-Claude Van Damm 
movie marathon by the end. SO...MUCH... WORK. Not to be believed. I 
would like backrubs and foot rubs and slave boys bringing peeled 
grapes on a tray. :) This will probably not happen, but after ungodly 
amounts of time and 2 a.m. editing sessions and AfterFX and Photoshop 
and Illustrator and Premiere and Flash and 3DSMax and probably 75 
different versions to get to this glorious point,I just had to VENT!

(whine over)

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