[HPFGU-OTChatter] Abbreviation question

*Jamie* enemy2oftheheir at yahoo.com
Thu Jan 23 23:11:23 UTC 2003

>From one who is a shipper herself, H is supposed to be Harry, whereas Hr is supposed to be Hermione. H/Hr is Harry/Hermione. I personally use first and last initials to be understood. HP/HG, or whatever. If one is a shipper, they usually know the abbreviations really well so they can avoid pairings they dislike or enjoy. I hope that helped!
 "David <dfrankiswork at netscape.net>" <dfrankiswork at netscape.net> wrote:In some shipping discussions there is a clear danger of not knowing 
whether H stands for Harry or Hermione.

May I ask in what possible sense the abbreviation Hr is supposed to 
help resolve the ambiguity?

David, who notes that ron already seems to be in Hermione

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