[HPFGU-OTChatter] OoP: On "seeing death"

Heidi Tandy heidit at netbox.com
Thu Jul 3 14:57:58 UTC 2003

It's actually quicker to go to http://www.schnoogle.com/authorLinks and 
scroll down to her name. Will save you a few clicks  that way.
On Thu, 3 Jul 2003 10:53AM -0500, Terry James wrote:
> Real-To:  "Terry James" <terryljames at hotmail.com>
>> From: artsylynda at aol.com
>>> Wow, this is beautifully written!  Where can I read the fic?  (Never
>>> thought
>> I'd want to read a Draco fic -- I'm a staunch Harry fan -- but this 
>> writing
>> sings and I want to read more of it!)  THanks!
>> Lynda
>> * * *
> I'm sure there's a technical way to send the link...but I'm not good at
> computer stuff.  :)  Sorry.
> But here's how to find it: go to www.fictionalley.com, click on 
> "fanfics by
> author", scroll down to "Cassandra Claire".
> Tip, though:  Draco Sinister is part two of a three-part series.  I 
> don't
> think Part III, Draco Veritas, is finished yet, so I have heroically
> restrained myself from starting it, as I can't stand unfinished stuff.  
> But
> Parts I and II are complete.  Part I is Draco Dormiens, and better read 
> it
> first so you'll know what's going on.
> I'm the same way--don't like canon Draco, would never bother to read 
> about
> him.  This Draco is decidedly uncanonical--at least so far, I guess 
> JKR's
> got two books to redeem him, and I don't mean "redeem" as in make him 
> good,
> I mean "redeem" as in make him a character, good or evil, that I 
> actually
> get interested in--(deep breath) but this Draco is much more 
> interesting to
> read, and the relationship between all the characters is wonderfully
> written.
> When you get through, let me know if you liked it!  (Offlist, of 
> course)
> Terry LJ
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