[HPFGU-OTChatter] Re: air conditioning

Sheryll Townsend s_ings at yahoo.com
Sat Jul 5 19:45:24 UTC 2003

 --- Mary Ann <macloudt at hotmail.com> 
> <vbg>  Have you ever been in Montreal (or Ottawa, or
> Toronto...) in 
> the middle of summer?  There's a reason why most
> southern Canadians 
> have air conditioning as well.  It's not so much the
> temperature 
> (rarely hotter than the high 30s Celcius) but the
> humidity.  Weather 
> reports have what's called a Humidex which tells you
> how hot it feels 
> rather than how hot it technically is, and the
> humidex can be up to 
> 15 degrees hotter than the actual temperature.
Yup, what she said. Here in Ottawa it is often the
case that the Humidex rating will up the temperature
significantly. We had a mini heatwave last week that
saw Humidex levels over 40 C. The hottest I can
remember us getting was during a heatwave last summer
which days on end of Humidex ratings around 45, with
the worst day topping at 48 C. Definitely not the norm
here. The Humidex has gone down nicely here in the
past few hours, dropping the temp from 40 to 36 C.

> Our house in Montreal didn't have air conditioning
> and it was a 
> nightmare.  OTOH the air conditioning in our house
> in Toronto was so 
> efficient that you could pack meat in my basement
> bedroom. <g>  

We have no air conditioning, as we can't afford the
accompanying summer hydro bills. *sigh* We do have
lots of fans. I keep all the doors and windows open at
night and then close everything up during the day to
keep out as much heat as possible.

> Certainly all the large Canadian cities have very
> hot summers though 
> the humidity levels fluctuate.  It's also not
> unusual for 
> temperatures to fluctuate 30 degrees C within 24
> hours, as it did in 
> the Toronto area a few months ago (I get weekly
> weather updates from 
> my Dad in Toronto when he calls me on a Sunday night
> :) ).
Also true, though not in the winter. When it hits -35,
it stays there for days. Gotta love Canadian weather.


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