OotP Art-fest

Karen dancingtai at earthlink.net
Wed Jul 9 20:20:00 UTC 2003

Sorry for the crosspost and for appearing out of nowhere. ^^; I'm 
posting to let you know about the OotP Art Fest. It's a project kin 
to the fuh-q-fests, except this time it's for the artists. This is a 
major project between Miaka (from phoenixtears.com) and I. Our goal 
is to fully illustrate the fifth Harry Potter book by means of 
quality fanworks created by a wide-range of talented artists. You 
don't have to be the HP fan version of Michaelangelo but we're asking 
for finished work that took some effort. The fest will take place in 
two waves - the first wave is for the first half of the book and 
contains 90 scene challenges and a few new character portrait 
challenges as well. 

If you're interested and want more information, you can check out the 
Art-fest page at: 

You can pick as many challenges as you wish.

Not much of an artist but would like to help out? We'd be grateful 
for help in getting the word out. Spreading the word (forwarding this 
email?) or adding a linked Art Fest button (they're on the promote 
page on the site) on your page would help us out a lot. The more 
folks that know, the more illustrations for the book!

If you've got any questions or comments, you can email me at: 
dancingtai at earthlink.net

We're happy to say that we're getting a good steady response. =) Come 
participate and help make the fest a success! Thanks a bunch for 

Take care,


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