[HPFGU-OTChatter] Re: For the Love of Harry/ Teachers & HP
Richelle Votaw
rvotaw at i-55.com
Thu Jul 10 22:18:02 UTC 2003
tongapeach wrote:
> Workshops? You teach? What grade/s?
I teach first grade. Today was the last day (yea!) of a four day Project
Read workshop. Problem was, the session I was in was for all grade levels,
up through high school. So after the first half day it went over my head.
grindieloe wrote:
> I know this is OT-chatter, but I hope this is not TOO OT!
> I've been noticing recently that many Harry fans happen to be
> teachers! :) I am a teacher (5th grade), and was wondering
> what percentage of adult fans happen to also be teachers???
> What other professions seem to be high on the HP Fan list?
There do seem to be a large number of teachers that are HP fans. I think it
is because teachers aren't afraid to read "Children's literature" because
they do it all the time anyway.
As for other professions, I wonder, can we do a poll on job professions?
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