[HPFGU-OTChatter] Speaking of filks - a serious request

bettedavisgreen at aol.com bettedavisgreen at aol.com
Sat Jul 12 18:57:25 UTC 2003

Dans un e-mail daté du 12/07/2003 17:25:37 Paris, Madrid (heure d'été), 
anneu53714 at yahoo.com a écrit :

> Wouldn't it be wonderful if everyone who posted a filk included a 
> link to a midi or some other AUDIO version of the song being filked?? 
> <snip>
> List Elves, could y'all request this? I believe it would help a lot 
> of people more fully appreciate the filks.
> Anne U
> (hoping I'm not the only person who is bothered by this)

Here here! Please do, if there is no copyright problem with that. 

As non-american and non-british I admit I have a huge difficulty in 
appreciating filks, and have even given up on them (well... I still skim them for the 
lyrics...) because I really don't know almost any of the songs used...


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