[HPFGU-OTChatter] Re: Nimbus envy

Heidi Tandy heidit at netbox.com
Wed Jul 16 20:21:46 UTC 2003

Better than daily...

Ixchelmala and I will be among the attendees making live-from-the-scene 
wireless reports on the hporlando livejournal, which is at 
http://www.livejournal.com/~hporlando - bookmark it and check it for the 

Heidi of the wireless sidekick
On Wed, 16 Jul 2003 2:53PM -0500, Amy Z wrote:
> Real-To:  "Amy Z" <lupinesque at yahoo.com>
> Alora wrote:
>>  For those of us not going to Nimbus, will there be anyone going
> that
>>  can give us a daily update...or something??  I can't be there, but
> I
>>  sure would like to know what is going on and how great it is.
> I second that.  And I'm really envious.  And I hope it is a
> wonderful, smashing success and everyone has a great time and you
> decide to hold them four times a year, at least one really near me.
> Amy Z
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