Christians and HP revisited

alora chrisnlorrie at
Thu Jul 17 13:40:56 UTC 2003

--- In HPFGU-OTChatter at, "Beth" <jillily3g at y...> 
> I hadn't asked my dad his opinion of the books before this week. 
> only briefly mentioned them once when he was here last (year-and-a-
> half ago) when I asked why families who hated Harry found LOTR, 
> Narnia, Wizard of Oz, Cinderella, etc. etc. acceptable and he said 
> that some don't. 

I go through this with my mother-in-law and brother-in-law and 
sister-in-law.  All three of them are against it, but they have 
never bothered to read it, which frustrates me.  I need to add that 
I come from and I am still a part of a non-denominational, tongue 
talking, healing believing church.  Somehow, they have made me feel 
like an evil mom/person. 

> He said that he thought the series (compared to Narnia's Christian 
> allegorical purpose) was written for the sole purpose of making 
> money "and who knows what else." 

My family says that because the author of Narnia (Carroll? I can't 
remember, it's too early for me) was a Christian, those books are 
okay. GRrrrrrr.  That means LOTR is fine for them, too.  When it 
came time to buy a birthday present for my niece, who's seven, I 
asked them what movie did she want.  "Oh, she loves The Wizard of 
Oz!  She'll love it if you get her that."  Oh.  REALLY.  I sat down 
and watched that movie again, and it's full of good witches, bad 
witches, magic, scary flying monkeys (I remember hating those when I 
was little) name it, it's got it.  So, why the double 

He said he didn't care for them for 
> no other reason than that it is about witchcraft and kids going to 
> school to become witches, although he admitted he hadn't read any. 
> Then he said he "just had an uneasy feeling" about the books.

Geez, that is my mother-in-law all over!  Quote: "Anything that has 
to do with children learning magic is wrong!"  Good grief, I don't 
dare tell her I like to watch "Charmed"  sometimes.  Actually, no 
one knows I watch that.  Stupid, isn't it?
I think I mentioned this last week when we were on the subject, but 
I don't say anything at all, unless someone else brings it up.  It's 
just too touchy a subject for some reason.  I know my pastor says 
it's okay to watch or read things, as long as you know what's 
fantasy.  He says if  there's a little bad along with the good, just 
toss out the bad and focus on the good.  I have to agree, otherwise, 
my kids wouldn't have grown up watching certain movies ;). I'm not 
good at confrontation, so I feel as though I can't win an argument- 
I suppose I shouldn't say "win".  I just want them to know that I'm 
not some sort of bad parent or person for reading HP. If anyone has 
suggestions as to how to make my point, I'm open.   

Frustrated Alora

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