Christians and HP revisited
jillily3g at
Thu Jul 17 15:11:17 UTC 2003
--- In HPFGU-OTChatter at, "Terry James"
<terryljames at h...> wrote:
> >From: "alora" <chrisnlorrie at y...>
> C.S. Lewis. And the Narnia series cannot really be compared to
HP, as Lewis
> was quite clearly writing an allegory of several Bible stories.
> just because books aren't retellings of the Bible doesn't mean
> demonic.
One of the articles I came
across is by John Granger, who I see is going to be giving a
featured presentation at Nimbus 2003. He says that before Lewis was
known as a Christian, "his published fiction was greeted with a
yawn - and a confused yawn at that." But after /Mere Christianity/
and /The Screwtape Letters/, people saw his books for what they
He goes on to point out allusions to Narnia, specifically Digory
Kirke/Cedric Diggory and that "Objections to the magic in Harry
Potter, however, mistake the edifying use of magic in literature for
actual invocational sorcery condemned by Scripture which it clearly
is not."
> Wish I could help you, but I deal with the same thing. My dad
gets on to me all the time about reading such "trash" and exposing
my kids to demonic evil--I let my six-year-old watch most of the
first movie, but not the second, because contrary to what he
thinks, I'm very careful about what my kids see or hear.
What I found really interesting was Granger's analysis of CoS: "The
finish to Chamber of Secrets, as morality play, is the clearest
Christian allegory of salvation history since Lewis's The Lion, the
Witch, and the Wardrobe." (Pullman fans should just scroll down
through the middle part :o))
> Wish everybody was that understanding. But my dad hasn't
approved of anything I've ever done anyway (think Snape meets
Vernon) so I try to ignore him. Bit difficult, though, when they
try to make you feel like a horrible parent.
> Tery LJ
My problem is, my dad hasn't been horrible. Saddened, maybe, at some
of my choices, but still loving. We used to have long discussion
about all kinds of things when I was a teen (on my every-other-
weekend) and while we didn't agree on everything, we could talk. But
his statement about feeling uneasy is one of those difficult-to-
address Christianese phrases. At this moment, I don't know if
bringing up Granger's (Isn't his name a wonderful irony?) points
would make him willing to discuss or drive a wedge in our
I'm just thinking this through as I "write it out" of me, sorry. But
boy! What a sock in the gut that was!
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