[HPFGU-OTChatter] Re: Christians and HP revisited

Terry James terryljames at hotmail.com
Thu Jul 17 17:08:54 UTC 2003

>From: "Holly" <rascals214 at yahoo.com>

>I, also, go through this all the time.  My husband's ex-mother-in-
>law is an obsessed Pentacostal Christian.  Yet, I find, that she
>contradicts herself all the time.  She "found" God after years of
>alcohol and drug abuse.

This is not a contradiction: this is supposed to be what God does--takes 
people as they are, and redeems them.  Of course, your complaint seems to be 
that she is not really behaving in a Christian manner.

That's their grandmother though.  She's also the same
>Christian woman that makes her daughter use the children as pawns to
>get money and ditch the kids on anyone who will take them so that
>they don't have to be bothered just as long as the check comes for
>them once a month.  Nice, but I would rather my child believe in
>Magic and fantasy then using people as weapons.  That's just me

Never understood people who like LOTR but don't like HP.  However, I read an 
excellent Christian article comparing the two and coming to the conclusion 
that both are harmless, with proper parental input, but also listing why 
parents might want to discuss both and particularly HP with their kids.  
I'll try to find a link and post it--might help us all understand the 
difference in the way they are viewed.

Don't ever forget--Christians aren't supposed to be perfect, and those who 
pretend to be are mistaking the very idea underlying Christianity.  I don't 
want this to become a religious debate, so I'll try to leave it at that.

Terry LJ

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