[HPFGU-OTChatter] questions about terminology

Kathryn Cawte kcawte at blueyonder.co.uk
Fri Jul 18 17:25:59 UTC 2003

I do have another question regarding terminology. A friend and I 
were talking about these words, labels if you will, that we keep 
applying to certain Christians. She had been described anonymously 
to another committee member as fundamentalist, and therefore someone 
this person did not want to be in a group with. We weren't sure 
where the label came from, what this person meant, and why it would 
necessarily be a bad thing  

Me -

the problem with the term fundamentalist is the dichotomy between what it
actually means and what people use it to mean. It means pretty much what you
said it does. A fundamentalist basically follows the religious book of their
religion without worrying too much about the two thousand (in the case of
christianity) years of theological arguement that has happened since. This
is not necessarily a bad thing. Unfortunately the term is now used as
shorthand for the sort of intolerant, extreme conservative christian who
goes around burning books, threatening abortion clinics, trying to 'cure'
homosexuals, screaming about satanism every time they meet a Wiccan and
generally only loves his neighbour provided his neighbour believes exactly
what he says. This is similar to the way Muslim fundamentalist has become a
shorthand for lunatic likely to strap explosives to himeslf and blow people

While there is absolutely nothing wrong with fuindamentalism it tends to be
used to mean intolerant small minded bigot. While I have no idea what your
friend's associate meant by the term that is pretty much what the mass media
means by it.

*in a cynical and grumpy mood and hoping I didn't offend anyone*

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