[HPFGU-OTChatter] Re: Opinions and a "real" HP fan.

Peter Paul wgouine1 at mac.com
Wed Jul 23 13:06:47 UTC 2003

LOTR is good but quite testosterone ridden.  Rowling's books are more 
multi gendered. But finding an adult who is willing/capable of 
discussing & comparing is to be celebrated; thankfully I have my 
sister,  my husband and two of his buddies who are literate in both 
"worlds". Please note the guys are really biased toward the JRRT

On Wednesday, July 23, 2003, at 02:34  AM, annemehr wrote:

> A "real" HP fan brings up the subject of "Harry Potter" when in the
> company of other adults just to see if she can find another true fan
> (not much luck so far -- thank goodness for HPfGU).

Constant Vigilance!

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