[HPFGU-OTChatter] Re: Orlando Bloom {was} Opinions and a "real" HP fan.

Peter Paul wgouine1 at mac.com
Sat Jul 26 14:16:21 UTC 2003

ROFL Thank god we are off topic! When I was creating the poll I 
considered offering all 25 responses but when I considered Depp doing 
Hunter S Thompson in Fear & Loathing i was afraid I would lose the HP 
diehards!  Pirates of the Carib ROCKS!!

On Friday, July 25, 2003, at 07:07  PM, slytherinspirit wrote:

> He and Johnny Depp make a good looking pair - with pirates that look
> like that you really wouldn't *want* to be rescued :)

Constant Vigilance!

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