[HPFGU-OTChatter] Harry Potter glasses
Heidi Tandy
heidit at netbox.com
Tue Jul 29 17:32:01 UTC 2003
Try build-a-bear which I think has an online component. They had them
about 2 years ago...
On Tue, 29 Jul 2003 1:24PM -0500, Richelle Votaw wrote:
> Real-To: "Richelle Votaw" <rvotaw at i-55.com>
> Hi everyone,
> I know we've all seen Harry Potter style glasses galore, kid size,
> adult size, etc. But has anyone seen doll size ones? American Girl
> makes a pair, but those are too small, I need some to fit a 22" doll,
> lifesize newborn proportionally. I've found one site that sells them,
> but I was trying to avoid paying more for shipping than the cost of the
> glasses! Has anyone seen them in craft stores or online (perhaps where
> they have more than one thing that I want to buy!)?
> Thanks!
> Richelle
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