[HPFGU-OTChatter] Re: Popular and Unpopular Names

Melanie Black princessmelabela at yahoo.com
Thu Jul 31 02:25:15 UTC 2003

I always used to hate the name Melanie when I was kid.

I mean Melonhead...and stuff..and it was not until
college did I ever have another Melanie in the school
with me.  

When I was really little I accused my mom of
completely making up the name....

What bugs me is when I go to the doctor..and they can
never pronounce my name correctly...

"Me-lane-eee is the most common.  I mean it always
amazed me because I know my name isn't too common..but
there are people with it.  I mean there's melanie
Griffith, Melanie Wilkes...I don't know...

At least it isn't common in the US I have a hunch it
is more common in Britian..why I couldn't tell you.  

I can tell you one thing...I hate the nickname "Mel"
it's ugly...lol..so I go by Mela don't ask me why.

I think the best names are the ones that aren't too
common but not overly common.  Of course names come
and go...I think one of the worst things people do is
they give their kid these very trendy..kind of


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