Happy Birthday/teenygaps/die4good/FlOz/PCwarranty/TheSun/CherHil/Badges/Euro

Catlady (Rita Prince Winston) catlady at wicca.net
Sun Jun 8 00:09:15 UTC 2003

I'm slightly saddened that I missed wishing Happy Birthday to so many 

Thalia Chauncy, who puts interesting things in her sig
Jonathon Tandy, his zeroeth birthday
Mecki, who has survived birthday parties for her toddlers
Angela Burgess, "Bonne Anniversaire and Joyeux Jour de Fete"

Catherine McK wrote:

<< Speaking of driving through teeny gaps, was up in the Dales the 
other day on a road that involves driving through a wall and imagined 
the directions. "Continue until you get to a 15 ft high stone wall. 
Drive though it.">>

Up North where Catherine from California lives, the directions might 
be "Continue until you get to a giant redwood tree wider than the 
road. Drive through it."

The Amanda wrote:

<< what if those who fall, making a good choice, strengthen the side 
of good even though they die? >>

Sort of like the belief that monks or hermits who live isolated, 
ascetic lives of prayer and meditation, are somehow spiritually 
helping all the (good-oriented) people in the world... This assets 
that a person can accomplish good in the world without being an 
activist and associating with other people, and that asserts that a 
person can accomplish good in the world by struggling for good even 
if they don't succeed.

Dumbledad wrote:

<< Since an ounce is the same mass in the two countries, it must be 
that UK water is heavier! Why? >>

Surely it has something to do with the temperature at which the water 
is weighed? I know that UK room temperature is colder than US room 
temperature, so might water be more dense at lower temperatures 
(above freezing; I know that ice is lighter than water)?

Illyeana wrote:

<< Best Buy has one of the best warranty policies I have ever dealt 
with, and I would definitely buy a computer there if I were to buy a 
PC. >>

I bought my laptop from Dell on-line. I am satisfied with the laptop 
and very positively impressed with Dell's warranty ... they send a 
man to *my house* to replace whatever I phone in is broken, such as 
the touchpad or the power cord. I've seen Dell service techs come to 
my job to fic laptops owned by my co-workers.

Plumski wrote:

<<contact him directly:  sue.evison at t... >>

A boy called Sue?

Gail Gandharvika quoted:

<< *Wand-making at Bredenbeck's Bakery & Ice Cream Parlor >>

I wonder if they'll be "real" wands, or wand-shaped baked goods, like 

Shinesse wrote:

<< I'm looking for either a Hogwarts or Gryffindor badge. >>


Lady Lyndi wrote:

<<  According to my converter - it takes $1.66 to equal 1 pound and 
1.42 euro to equal a pound. $1.17 equals 1 euro. So, the British      
Pound is the strongest of the three currencies at this point, and the 
euro is stronger than the dollar. >>

I think the strength of a currency is measured better by which way 
its value relative to other currencies is moving (up or down) than by 
what it costs at an exact instant. I mean, the Pound Sterling was 
worth US$5.00 when my mother was young and was was devalued from 
US$2.80 to US$2.40 when I was young, but was US$1.43 when GoF was 
released. So the current US$1.66 is better than two years ago but 
still part of a long historical decline.

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