[HPFGU-OTChatter] Re: OOP Major spoiler: I wanna ship

yinland thebest cynnie36 at yahoo.com
Sun Jun 22 22:26:27 UTC 2003


I think dear Siruis is gone forever as well.  He was
my first choice for death in this book, and I only
went with my gut instinct on that...seeing how JKR
managed to make Sirius a major character in our hearts
without truly bringing him into the books fully like
Hagrid or Dumbledore. (Sort of like she has done with
Lupin this time around! Yikes!)

Which leads me to speculate...

Did our young Snape (or perhaps when he was a
deatheater) put a death curse on our Marauders? 
James, now Sirius have been killed and it doesn't look
too great for Wormtail's future either, especially
when he didn't even get a cameo in this book.

Makes one wonder...and I've also been wondering...just
what DID those Centaurs do with Ms. Nastyface Umbridge
whilst in the woods???  

--- cheesycrustie <cheesycrustie at yahoo.com> wrote:
> I'm truly sorry but I think Siruis's death is
> irrevocable. Here's the 
> evidence from the Jeremy Paxman Interview with JK
> Rowling:
> JEREMY PAXMAN: And is there going to be a death in
> this book? 
> JK ROWLING: Yes. A horrible, horrible 
> JEREMY PAXMAN: A horrible death of a significant
> figure. 
> JK ROWLING: Yeah. I went into the kitchen having
> done it.... 
> JEREMY PAXMAN: What, killed this person? 
> JK ROWLING: Yeah. Well I had re-written the death,
> re-written it and 
> that was it. It was definitive. And the person was
> definitely dead. 
> And I walked into the kitchen crying and Neil said
> to me, "What on 
> earth is wrong?" and I said, "Well, I've just killed
> the person". 
> Neil doesn't know who the person is. But I said,
> "I've just killed 
> the person. And he said, "Well, don't do it then." I
> thought, a 
> doctor you know....and I said "Well it just doesn't
> work like that. 
> You are writing children's books, you need to be a
> ruthless killer." 
> I furthur quote from the above that JK Rowling has
> said that "the 
> person was definitely dead". So, though U.S.S. SIND
> may sail 
> valiantly in TBAY, I think it'll never see Sirius
> resurface again.
> Forgive me if I sound too harsh?
> Iola
> --- In HPFGU-OTChatter at yahoogroups.com, "Terry
> James" 
> <terryljames at h...> wrote:
> > 
> > I totally refuse to accept the DOS (Death of
> Sirius).  I formally 
> request 
> > registration papers and all necessary
> documentation to launch my 
> own theory 
> > craft, to be provisionally christened the U.S.S.
> SIND (Sirius is 
> NOT Dead!) 
> > until someone can come up with a name that fits
> the acronym 
> DENIAL.  This 
> > ship will be dedicated to the theory that Sirius
> is not dead, just 
> waiting 
> > beyond the veil to be rescued.  So Dumbledore and
> Lupin said he's 
> dead; both 
> > of them have made major mistakes before.
> > 
> > If allowed to sail, this ship will cruise TBAY
> proudly, 
> optimistically and 
> > determinedly, riding out all storms and holding
> out hope until the 
> end of 
> > Book 7.  If, at that time, the ship encounters the
> iceberg of an 
> unhappy 
> > ending, then the captain and any surviving crew or
> passengers will 
> valiantly 
> > climb aboard a floating door, turn it into a
> Portkey, and (I've 
> forgotten 
> > the correct term!) "teleport" to an alternate HP
> universe where 
> SIND.  
> > Denial is not just a river in Egypt.
> > 
> > Terry LJ (now rambling, possibly hallucinating)
> > 
> >
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> with MSN 8. 
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