TBAY Posts and a Yahoo Question
susannahlm at yahoo.com
Sat Jun 28 22:25:43 UTC 2003
Derannimer writes:
Yeah, I know, I *am* Derannimer, but you know when you go to the group page? You
know how, for the most recent five posts or so, you can see the first line or so of
those posts? Well, I wanted my name to appear there, so that hopefully people will
know that my post actually has an author. Because I keep sending messages, and in
the "Author" column, it keeps reading "No Author." What in the world is that? Does
anybody know how to stop it?
I just got a new computer, and was wondering if it had something to do with that;
does Yahoo like Macs? Does Yahoo like Safari?
Cindy wrote:
> Mine is even more shameful. I use the search function to search
> for "TBAY" before anything else. Man, you lose the plot of what's
> going on in the Bay and you are really, er, up a creek without a
> paddle. And boy, it used to be really hard to keep up before we had
> the prefix!
> Catlady:
>>If you don't read Main List posts by people you don't know, then you
>>probably haven't seen all the combined-reply messages because
>>threading doesn't work on them)
> Yeah, those combined messages are a problem for me too. I miss most
> of them, I'm afraid, because the threading function doesn't work on
> them. Definitely my loss.
> Cindy -- admitting she hasn't read every single TBAY message ever
> posted, thinking she has come pretty close, but confessing that she
> never quite figured out what was going on in Diana's castle
Hah! *I'm* even weirder than *that.* When I joined -- maybe a year ago? -- and
discovered TBAY, I went through the archives searching for TBAY posts, and *then,*
when I realized that the prefix hadn't always been used, I searched for people's
*names* -- "Tabouli," for instance, because I knew she was a really early TBAYer --
and dug through the archives a couple of years, I guess, back, trying to find TBAY
posts that *didn't* have the prefix. I figured that if there was a big pre-prefix TBAY
thread, Tabouli would be in it somewhere.
I'm still not sure what was going on in Diana's castle.
I do know that Porphyria used to mooch around getting sozzled a lot, and that you all
played croquet and volleyball with pink flamingos and flying hedgehogs, and that
you, Cindy, and Elkins, used to spike the hedgehogs at each other's heads. But I'm
not entirely sure what all Porpyria and Diana and. . . was it Eloise?. . . were up to
Derannimer, who has heard that some people don't *like* TBAY. Why?
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