Alan Rickman sings...

Tyler Hewitt tahewitt at
Sat Mar 29 17:35:02 UTC 2003

Joywitch wrote:
Speaking of scary, I have to send a WARNING to all
members of this list: You can snark about God, Country
and even George Dubya around Amanda and merely get
rotten tomatoes thrown at you (I should know, I look
like I was dunked in spaghetti sauce.) but insulting
Alan Rickman around Amanda is like insulting Albus
Dumbledore around Hagrid.  Don't say I didn't warn you
when you wind up with a pig's tail.

And this from Amy:
who knows better than to say anything bad about Alan
Rickman in Amanda's hearing, especially if it's true. 
Tyler, put some ice on that nose and the swelling will
go down in no time

Now me:
Thanks for the heads up, although it came a little
late. The swellings gone down now, just some slight
discoloration around the eyes. I may have to have all
my pants altered to accomodate the pigs tail,
Seriously, I didnt mean any real disrespect towards
Alan Rickman, more a good natured ribbing. I think
hes a good actor, and much bigger celebs have made
much worse records! I personally enjoy it when celebs
I like make these types of missteps (here comes a
tomato-better duck!), it makes them seem somehow more
human and less larger than life.
Ive collected odd records of various sorts for at
least 15 years, and am on a couple of e-mail
discussion groups dedicated to unusual music, so
coming across that song and posting the link was done
without a second thought.
>From the number of positive replies my post recieved,
it looks as though several of you enjoy this stuff. 
Heres another link:
This guy is posting a new unusual mp3 file every day
this year. These are not just bad celecrity
recordings, but all types of weird and unusual things.
Its a mixed bag, as youd expect from this type of
project, but lots of fun things can be found there.
Check out the track from Feb. 7. Extremely puerile,
but it made me laugh!  The links are interesting as
well, with tons of unusual music to explore there.


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