Ladi lyndi
ladilyndi at
Mon May 12 16:40:25 UTC 2003
Sorry, no cute introduction things from me, I
can't dance and if I tried singing you'd all be
reminded of what Fred said Percy sounds like
singing in the shower.
I'm Lynn, a 44 year old American who is married
to a 49 year old Dutch guy and we have a 4 year
old daughter. We are currently living in the
Netherlands where my husband is in the Dutch Navy
and as of July 1st we'll be moving to England
where he has been posted for the next 3 years.
The first time I got interested in Harry Potter
was when I saw the PS movie at my sister-in-law's
house. I thought it was cute and my daughter
liked the movie so I figured I'd get the book for
her. My old boss from the US kept telling me I
should get the books for my daughter as he was
reading them to his kids and even his youngest
one, who was 5, liked the books.
We went to the bookstore and they only had PoA
and GoF in the english version, so I read those
first. When PS and CoS was back in stock, I got
those as well.
PoA kept me interested in reading and GoF really
got me hooked. I have since gotten 6 other
adults hooked on the books. I am trying to read
PS to my daughter but she likes the movies
better. She has other preferences for her
reading material at the moment.
Oh, and since I've been out of college for 26
years, I don't have any exams and I happen to
love s'mores. Thanks to whomever for the tip of
what biscuits to use for them in England. 8)
I look forward to chatting with all of you.
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