[HPFGU-OTChatter] Greyness? Was: Baldness, ugh, was Re: The perfectly shaped head & Pushing Thirty

Sheryll Townsend s_ings at yahoo.com
Fri May 23 12:10:28 UTC 2003

> --- annemehr wrote:
> > So now I'm 
> > wondering if this group is any different -- do
> > you like/hate greying 
> > hair on women or yourself?
> Lynn:
> Well, I've had a streak of grey hair since I was
> about 20.  It's front/middle and has only spread
> a bit in the last few years.  It's a pretty
> silver as long as I use a shampoo for grey hair
> once in a while since that strips the yellowing
> out.  I used to have my hair highlighted so that
> the grey blended in better but in the last 5 or 6
> years have just left it alone.  I figure it's my
> hair and who cares if others don't like it.  The
> only problem I've ever had is when people see the
> grey, see the age of my daughter and the decide
> she's my granddaughter!


I've been going grey since I was 21. Genetics. *sigh*
My mother started going grey at 18 and both her
sisters at 16. We don't know about my sister, as she's
been colouring her hair since she was about 16. 

I left the grey alone until I was about 30, then
decided I'd had about enough of it. It's now a nice
reddish-brown colour. :) Oddly enough, my daughter
dyes her hair about the same colour as I do. She was
had lovely blond hair until about the age of 12 when
it started to turn a mousy brown. She found that
entirely too boring and pushed for permission to dye
it jet black. When we vetoed that (and purple), she
waited a few years and opted for the same colour as

My mother dyes her hair as well, but not completely.
She does what the hairdresser calls "presentation",
which only covers part of the grey. It looks very nice
and if your not close up her hair just looks like it's
a nice light brown. Close up you can tell it's light
brown with a great deal of grey.

My father didn't start going grey until he was
somewhere around 50, iirc. He'll be 68 this year and I
don't see any signs of thinning hair, either. *sigh*

Loved the before and after pics of Chris, Jen. Will
try to find a family pic and post it in the files
section here after I send this. That way y'all can see
Andy's lovely bald head. :-D


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