[HPFGU-OTChatter] More Halloween Fun!
elfundeb at comcast.net
Sat Nov 1 21:51:57 UTC 2003
Late to the mixer, but why not?
> * Do you believe in ghosts? Why or why not?
I don't know. Logically I shouldn't but I'm fascinated by ghost stories and don't want to discount them as the thinking brain tells me I should; maybe we're momentarily transported back in time whenever we see a ghost (not that I've ever seen one).
> * What things about you often come as a surprise to others?
That I'm not nearly as organized and responsible as people think I am.
> * Provide the etymology of your signature/handle/email address. In
> other words, how and why did you choose the name you use on the
> HPfGU lists.
Elfun was the name of my father's pension fund. They used to head their correspondence to him "Dear Elfun" and it seemed to fit my dad, who was small and quirky and, well, elflike. The second part, deb, obviously is derived from my own name.
> * Whose signature/handle/email address on the HPfGU boards {a}
would you like to steal or {b} intrigues you?
There are so many creative ones out there that intrigue me. I don't want to steal any, though.
> * Describe your ultimate Halloween costume.
My ultimate Halloween costume is something that is not remotely like me. I've dressed as a flapper, a hooker, a hippie, a gymnast, a football player, Alice in Wonderland, Queen Amidala, and Prof. McGonagall, among many others. I once dressed as a song, even though I can't sing. My old standby, though, is a witch. Typecasting, you know.
> * If you lived in the Potterverse, who would you be, and what
would you do for a living?
I would have Amelia Bones' job.
> * What would you see in the Mirror of Erised?
I would be surrounded by family and friends, I think, and everyone would be happy.
> * What shape would a boggart take, if you chance upon one?
The boggart would look like me, and be reenacting the worst things I've ever done in my life.
> * What happy memory will you rely upon, if you are to conjure up a
> Patronus?
Something -- almost anything -- about my DH, who is a much better person than I am.
> * What form might your Patronus take?
My patronus would unquestionably be a dolphin.
> * What might your animagus form be?
I would be the mouse that roared.
> * What basically harmless things scared you as a child (for
> a certain toy or household item)?
I do not recall this but I was a sickly child and I am told I was terrified of men wearing white shirts, because I thought they were doctors.
> * What's your scariest moment from a film or television show? Or,
> tell us which horror movie is your all-time favourite, and why.
This will sound ridiculous. I've always been super-rational, and scary movies really didn't scare me unless they were slice of life. But,
I was terrified of the tornado in The Wizard of Oz (not the witches, or flying monkeys or anything else I knew was made up).
I had recurring nightmares for years where I dashed to the basement only seconds before the tornado devastated my house, sometimes tempting fate by going back for a favorite possession. It didn't matter that I lived in an area that had never *ever* seen a tornado.
> * Ever wonder into which Hogwarts House the Sorting Hat would put
> you?
I am a Ravenclaw through and through, but the first sorting hat tried to put me in Hufflepuff. The second time around I got it to say Ravenclaw just by changing the answers I was iffy on. Professor McFusty inexplicably put me in Slytherin.
> * Is your interest in Harry Potter just good, harmless fun . . .
or are you bordering on obsessive?
I'm right smack in the middle at 50%. It helps not to be into merchandise or timelines.
>> * Finally, just how well do you know the canon?
Oh, embarassment! I didn't know how many times Nearly Headless Nick was axed, and I used up all 3 chances guessing wrong on that question. Total score: 13.
Happy All Saints Day! - without which we would not have all our Halloween (All Hallows Eve) fun.
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