[HPFGU-OTChatter] Re: Sweet Nostalgia

Iggy McSnurd coyoteschild at peoplepc.com
Sun Nov 2 23:08:25 UTC 2003

> > Grannybat
> > who misses
> > Blackjack cinnamon gum

I always thought Blackjack was the licorice gum...

> I was a big fan of Fruit Stripes and Teaberry gum. Remember
> the "Teaberry Shuffle"?
> Ms. Tattersall
> who misses
> not having a mouthful of crowns

My personal favorite (and I wish I could find it down here in the south...)
was Clove gum.  It was made by the same company that made Blackjack.
(Kings, or Crown... one of those two company names... I think...)  Nobody
could understand why I like that one so much, but it's just that I'm one of
the few people I know who really likes the taste of cloves when they're used

Iggy McSnurd
(Who also smokes clove cigarettes for the taste, so he doesn't inhale... and
that's the truth.  I tried inhaling a few times.. burned my lungs too much
since I'm not a real smoker... Now I just smoke them like cigars and a
pipe... no inhale, just taste.)

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