New poll for HPFGU-OTChatter

erinellii erinellii at
Mon Nov 3 04:07:57 UTC 2003

--- In HPFGU-OTChatter at, "Iggy McSnurd" > Ummm... My 
favorite creatures (for the most part) aren't on there at all.
> Coyote, Wolf, Raven/Crow, Puma, Thunderbird, Bat, and Hawk... in 
that order. (Can't you sense a trend that my favorite animals are 
also important to Native American mythology?  *grin*)
> If I had to pick something on that list, the Owl, but not a white 
owl, but a Horned Owl (like the one in the tattoo on my arm), or a 
dragon, since I have an Earth Dragon spirit... (I also wear a ring 
that my mom gave me for Christmas... His name is George, and after 
reading FBawtft, I figured out he's a Hebredean Black...)
> Iggy McSnurd

 I think the poll is designed to determine your favorite *HP* animal, 
lol.  Coyotes don't count. So you like great horned owls, huh?  I 
have a pair living in my yard, and I HATE them.  Ok, you may think, 
what is she talking about, doesn't she know how completely cool it is 
to have a pair of Great Horned Owls around?  Yeah, I thought so too, 
when they first moved in.  
  About five years ago, I looked up a bunch of stuff about them on 
the internet.  What I mostly found was a bunch of newspaper articles 
about them eating people's cats and small dogs.  Well, I have two 
cats, and I had just gotten a small white Maltese puppy!   There were 
also articles about them eating chickens, and a quote from a farmer 
that went (I kid you not) "They like the white ones best".   
  Well, since then I've lived in fear that one of the owls will 
decide to snack on my precious pets.  Do you know how annoying it is 
to have a perfectly good backyard and be afraid to let your dog go 
out into it alone?  Mornings and evenings (prime hunting times) I 
always have to stay very close to her when I let her out, scanning 
the skies for swooping owls.  I mean, skunks and raccoons are listed 
as examples of these things' diets!  They can carry up to 20 lbs.  
And I believe it.  The size of their wings is incredible.  Well, 
Serena, my dog, only weighs 8 lbs.  So I hate the owls.  
   And also, any time it is the least bit cold- November through 
March, as I live in Alabama,- these things hoot half the night.  
Extremely annoying after a while.  


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