[HPFGU-OTChatter] Re: Sweet Nostalgia
Iggy McSnurd
coyoteschild at peoplepc.com
Thu Nov 6 02:32:44 UTC 2003
> > I always thought Blackjack was the licorice gum...
> >
> > Iggy McSnurd
> > (Who also smokes clove cigarettes for the taste...
> **That's it!** Crown or King's was the parent brand, clove was the
> taste. (Knew there was some reason that gum tasted richer and spicier
> than Dentyne....) What confused me was the ace of clubs insignia both
> flavors had on the package. I never could remember the real name for
> the clove gum, only that it was the red version of Black jack. We
> used to call it "Redjack."
> Mmmmmmmm, cloves. The scent of autumn.
> Grannybat
Iggy here:
*grin* It's nice to know that my addiction to the clove gum (which, sadly,
I can't get where I live now...) helped job someone else's memory...
I had a second particular reason to know that Blackjack was the licorice
gum... The taste, or even the smell, of licorice makes me gag. I used to
dread getting the flu right up until Nyquil came out with the cherry
Iggy McSnurd
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