[HPFGU-OTChatter] US Slang Expressions

Iggy McSnurd coyoteschild at peoplepc.com
Thu Nov 6 20:09:15 UTC 2003

Iggy here:

Lessee... some of my personal favorite expressions...

One that I use on my wife occasionally is "Ya know, sometimes getting a
direct answer out of you is like trying to pull teeth from a chicken."

I need a little "private time" is a good expression for saying that you need
to use the bathroom.

We have a jump-starter box for our car (that we keep in the trunk) that's
simply referred to as "the boomer"  or "the boom box."

Getting "bombed," "sloshed," or "schnockered." are three great ways to say
that someone's drunk.  (My dad's favorite is saying that someone's "three
sheets to the wind.")

When I'm both physically and mentally exhausted, I tend to say "I'm

One of my favorites is "geeking," which referrs to to someone spending a lot
of time chatting on-line.  This can also apply to someone playing a MUD or
MUSh.  (That's an RPG on-line that's strictly text based.. Unlike EQ or
Ultima On-Line.)

Which brings us to "EverCrack..."  This is a slang term used by people who
are addicted to playing EverQuest.

Now, you can modify "geek" by turning it into "gamer-geek" to refer to any
hard-core role-playing-gamer.  (Either tabletop or live action.)  These are
usually the ones who can quote the rules of a given game from memory... or
people who are "Min-Maxers."  (This refers to people who know how to take
advantage of number crunching in point based RPGs to achieve maximum benefit
at minimum cost...  I've been accused of being an expert in this field with
a couple of my favorite games.  *grin*)

Another I'm particularly fond of is "skull jockey" to refer to a
psychiatrist or psychologist.

I may send more as they come to mind... or as inspired by other responses...

Iggy McSnurd

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