[HPFGU-OTChatter] Re: Hugely Immensley Late to the mixer

Iggy McSnurd coyoteschild at peoplepc.com
Sun Nov 9 02:47:18 UTC 2003

>> werebearloony:
> > I also decided that as I  am a bit ashamed of being a werebear,

> Catlady
> Why? Just because of society's descrimination against were-critters?

Iggy here:

Hey, you two have it easy.  At least people like cats and bears... you could
have it a lot worse.

You could be a Nuwisha, like me...  (That's a Were Coyote for those who
don't know.  Why else do you think I wear the badge of Coyote's Child with

Coyotes have a bad enough rep... much less Were Coyotes...

Iggy McSnurd

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