
crookshanks4 gromm at
Wed Nov 12 13:12:22 UTC 2003

--- In HPFGU-OTChatter at, "Shaun Hately" 
<drednort at a...> wrote:
> I've come across something some people on this list might be 
interested in 
> seeing. I've been reading a book about the 'Six Great Schools' of 
Victoria, one of 
> which I attended - it contains a rather interesting subchapter 
talking about 
> Prefects, what they do, their attitudes, duties, privileges, etc. 
These six schools 
> were very much (and still are to a great extent) on a British 
model, and given 
> we've had discussions on this on the list, I thought some people 
might like to see 
> it - it's short enough (about five or six pages in a 300 page book) 
that it can be 
> quoted without creating Copyright problems. I don't intend to send 
it here - it's a 
> little long for that - but I'd be happy to send a copy to anyone 
who wants to see it.
Me, please!
> Yours Without Wax, Dreadnought
> Shaun Hately |
> (ISTJ)       | drednort at a... | ICQ: 6898200 
> "You know the very powerful and the very stupid have one
> thing in common. They don't alter their views to fit the 
> facts. They alter the facts to fit the views. Which can be 
> uncomfortable if you happen to be one of the facts that 
> need altering." The Doctor - Doctor Who: The Face of Evil
> Where am I: Frankston, Victoria, Australia

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