Snakes in Britain?

annemehr annemehr at
Thu Nov 13 16:23:37 UTC 2003

Tracy wrote:
> On a semi-related note, I was just reading in my local newspaper that 
> the Columbus Zoo is moving all their non-native venomous snakes to 
> other zoos.  That's right, we will only have dangerous Ohio snakes 
> (rattlers and copperheads) at our zoo.  The head reptile keeper is 
> retiring, and they feel they will not have the expertise to handle 
> the assorted other cobras, adders, etc.

Is he retiring at age 35, or did the zoo just lack the foresight to
have him train a replacement as he got older?  :D

who will accept any opportunity she can get to feel that anything in
Pittsburgh might be better than something in Ohio, including the
zoo...<jk><sort of><no, *really*><I think>

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