[HPFGU-OTChatter] My Two Knuts (long)

Kathryn Cawte kcawte at ntlworld.com
Fri Nov 14 20:52:16 UTC 2003

Laura Ingalls Huntley

Contrary to being pissed off, I'd like to thank you for your input, as
an explanation of this sort is exactly what I'd been looking for from
someone from "the other side" (or, at least, the middle ground) in the
conflict.  Thus far the admin team (as an official body) has been very
tight-lipped about the whole affair.  Not that I blame them exactly, as
a "WELL, she did *this*!" post from the admin team as a group would
hardly be seen as dignified or appropriate.  However, this *does* leave
general list members with only one side of the story, and the general
impression that poor Cindy is getting clobbered by the nasty and
despotic list elves.


Actually one of the admin team mailed everyone who participated in the
thread Cindy started (or at least everyone who had participated up to the
point she posted) explaining that while she would not go into details of the
dispute because she was trying not to make anyone into the 'bad guy' the
argument was longstanding and far more complex than we realised. She also
said that Cindy's post was not the reason (or certainly not the sole cause)
she was asked to resign. I don't want to say any more because I haven't
asked permission to repeat the information here. Now I personally have no
desire to get in the middle of this dispute as I am not anything to do with
the admin team and can't possibly know exactly what is going on but as I
told the elf in question I also would like a place where the general
membership can discuss policy. If only because I wouldn't want to go to the
admin team with general and vague complaints about something when I could
discuss it in a more public forum first and maybe help hammer out a
suggestion for dealing with it. While the elves would be by no means
required to follow any suggestions made I think a general discussion of
things to eliminate the pointless and unworkable suggestions might save them
work. I thought the thread we had a few weeks ago about he large number of
new members was helpful for the older members *and* the newbies  and
relieved a lot of frustration without generating any real bad feeling. We're
all mature enough to stick to the guidelines and not turn threads like that
into personal attacks. I don't like the idea of a chat because I don't
really know how to use the chat facility. Besides I prefer e-mail to the
list because it lets me think more carefully about what I'm saying (doesn't
always stop me saying stupid things  ... but it's a start <g>).

Btw I'm still waiting for someone on the admin team to explain why Cindy's
original post (which regardless to the background of it was a polite and
intelligent analysis of how *she* felt list policy wasn't working) is any
different to the thread we had about newbies and such a little while ago. I
don't understand the difference and I really want an explanation of the
rule. Anyone?


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