[HPFGU-OTChatter] Re: On a more fun note...

Iggy McSnurd coyoteschild at peoplepc.com
Fri Nov 14 13:35:14 UTC 2003

> David:
> Nice photo, Iggy! (and Illyana)

Iggy here:

Thanks... *grin*  I've gotten some interesting reactions from peope to that
pic.  (Mostly it's along the lines of "Man, I didn't think he'd look like
that..." )

I agree that the pics of Illyana are cool.  (She looks like someone I used
to do Live Action Role Playing with in the downtown area of Santa Cruz in
Califirnia.  A big group of us used to play a Vampire LARP on the outdoor
mall there.)

> It might take a while but I'll see if I can find anything.  Most
> photos with me in also involve the kids and I'm a bit loth to put
> them on what they call 'your sad Harry Potter forum'.
> David

No worries about time.  I just hope a lot of people put at least one pic in
the folder so that we can put faces with the names.  *grin*

As for the kids thinking your forum is sad... I'm fortunate enough that my
13 year old step son can't complain since he's the one who got me hooked on
Harry Potter, and my 2 year old daughter is too young to care.   = )

Iggy McSnurd

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