[HPFGU-OTChatter] My Two Knuts (long)

Ali Ali at zymurgy.org
Fri Nov 14 17:41:31 UTC 2003

Iggy wrote:-

<<<I was on that list who received a letter from this admin member.
Some of the points raised, along with the fact that (aside from
notes explaining why a post may be blocked on the main list for
someone on mod status) all official letters are worked on by a group
of admin, makes me wonder one thing... Was the letter we saw from
Ali already set to be sent out *before* Cindy posted her letter? Or
was it a reaction to it?

Is there an admin out there who can answer that question? (Ali,
perhaps? Since she was the one who sent it to Cindy...)>>>

Ali responds:-

The letter I sent to Cindy last night was not a knee-jerk reaction
to a sudden crisis; it had been prepared earlier in response to
issues on the FAQ list, and to an ongoing situation. The letter
was however amended to take into account Cindy's post on OTC. The
letter was indeed sent in private, and was meant to protect her 

Despite Cindy's decision to go public, we still believe that we have 
a duty not to repost her messages. I acknowledge how frustrating
that is for you –to have only part of a picture. But, I couldn't 
stand here and work for HPfGU if I was to disgorge confidential 
information about individuals to a public forum.

Please note that the letter was not sent because of Cindy's post,
but rather as a result of breakdown in relations. The letter was
intended to end the problems on FAQ and ensure that people once 
again feel able to write FPs.

For all of you who think that Cindy is a great and charismatic
poster, I agree. For all of you who fear that the Admin Team is
some kind of despotic, uncaring group, we will try to allay your 

Sometimes, and hopefully very, very rarely, people reach
circumstances where they have to acknowledge a breakdown in

I don't need everybody on the team to like me, I don't even need
them to agree with me (I don't know many people who are as
fascinated by the Dursleys as I am!), but what I do need is to be
able to work with them. I need to feel that I am working with
other team players. This group is simply too big and (IMO) too 
special to allow for any other kind of group.

The relationship has been deteriorating for a year. OTC is the
forth front to see these problems - the old system of moderators 
collapsed because of it, the Admin Team was afflicted by it, more 
latterly the FAQ list has been consumed by it.
If I truly believed that it was us that was responsible for the 
situation, then please understand I would go: I would have gone a 
long time ago.

But, I don't. At this point then, our choices were growing rather 
limited. Sometimes it is better to walk the hard path and try to 
resolve a situation, than try to accommodate the unaccommodatable 
(is that a word?) or simply ignore the problem.


 Speaking as an individual, but reflecting the Admin Team's feelings

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