[HPFGU-OTChatter] Re: On a more fun note...

Iggy McSnurd coyoteschild at peoplepc.com
Fri Nov 14 17:58:36 UTC 2003

> Tonya:
> Iggy:
> Jade was 2 1/2 in that picture taken about 6 months ago.  Scissors have
> never touched her hair either!! she was a baldie for the longest time.
> It is just now down to her shoulders!!  I love the long hair and so does
> my hubby!!  You should post a picture of your daughter!!  Jade brings
> out the best in me for sure!!
> Tonya

Iggy here:

*laugh* I would, but then fewer people would think I'm so cute.   (That pic
was taken when I was still living in central California about 3 years ago...
and, incidentally, was the one that sealed my wife's fate.  *grin*)

I started shaving my head last spring to help cope with the humidity down
here.  I'm going to grow my hair back to the way it is in the pic, though,
since I'm starting to acclimate to the environment here.

Awww heck... sure, I'll find one with me and my daughter to send in...

Iggy McSnurd

ps:  Ok... I just loaded a pic of my wife and daughter at my wife's office,
and one of me relaxing while my daughter sleeps on my belly.  Both pics were
taken early this year.

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