[HPFGU-OTChatter] Re: My Two Knuts (long) (In Which Eileen Steps In)

Iggy McSnurd coyoteschild at peoplepc.com
Fri Nov 14 18:34:31 UTC 2003

> First of all, Mr. McSnurd, could you do us a favour and shut up?

Iggy here:

If I don't have the desire to say something I feel is relavent, I will.

> You know absolutely *nothing* about any of us involved in this and
> calling people names (even with the caveat that nothing you're saying
> might apply - the admittance of which makes your behaviour worse if
> you think about it) is ghastly behaviour on your part. So ghastly that
> for the first time in HPFGU history, I'm breaking all rules of
> civility and telling someone to shut up. But honestly, you should. You
> have every right to say what you think about list policy, but your
> personal attacks on Cindy are *way* out of line, given your complete
> non-connection to everyone involved.

Iggy here:

First off I'll say that you take personal affront to anything I have said,
and feel the need to express it like this, I would recommend next time
sending me a direct mail so that the rest of this list doesn't need to be
involved in your personal feelings towards me.  If you wish to state a
general disagreement with what I have said, and wish to do it more
diplomatically, then I feel this is a reasonable place for it.

To my recollection, I have never called anyone names, nor made any personal
attacks against anyone on either side.  From the start I have maintained my
belief that both sides are probably at fault in this issue to some degree,
and that they truth of the situation lies in between both positions.

The closest I have done with regard to Cindy is state that I felt her
actions in sending a private e-mail into a public forum was inappropriate,
especially when she hadn't apparently asked permission to do so, nor did she
indicate that she was forwarding the letter.  The manner in which it was
posted made it appear as though the letter was sent to the list directly.
This is an opinion which I have seen support for both on and off-list.

I have also maintained the entire time that I feel the Admin here does need
to make some improvements to how they run things, and how they enforce their

For the entire time, I have worked to make sure I have been civil and
unbiased, and I am sorry if you have misconstrued any statements I have

If you wish, you can point out specific instances and I will do what I can
to clarify my meaning for you and anyone else who may have misunderstood
what I have said.

As for anything else, I have answered questions posed, and made it clear
that I am doing so from my own experience in other areas.  I have also
attempted to make it quite clear that I am *not* trying to insult, attack,
or otherwise cast aspersions on Cindy.  But that will also not prevent me
from pointing out any inconsistencies I see.

Anyone else out there can feel free to correct me if I am wrong here.  If
you can do it in a manner appropriate to this list, then post it here if you
wish.  If you feel you must do so in a way that is inappropriate to this
list, then by all means, e-mail me directly.

If anyone wishes to back up my observations, feel free to do that as well.

Iggy McSnurd

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